Understanding the evolution
of human species of in a kineanthropology perspective requires the
understanding of adaptation of the human development in the geographic space in
the history of human movement acquired by the motor, communication, and
The construction of a model
to explain the whole problem of evolution of the human Species kineanthropology
whose emergence may be associated with progession of individual and collective
intelligence of biomechanical movements developed in enviroments genetic
mutation allowed changes in body composition and brain.
It appears that the
individual is connected with the substyem that includes antropological macro
motor, phylogenesis, culture, verbal language.
The sum of the
communications (individual, social) with the adaptation and psychomotor
development kineantropology causes the evolution of human species acquired the
geographical space.
antropology, adaption, development, Motricity, comunication, phsychomotor,
phsysical and geographical space.
author-Christopher brandão 2013
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